Ngorongoro Crater
The crater was formed by a volcano that imploded. It has become a Garden of Eden.
Outside the crater is the conversation area and is known as Massai country. The ancient people still herd cattle and goats, living in bomas made of mud and bound by cow manure.
When you want to live simply, but Game of Thrones is life.
An elephant eating the thorny acacia tree.
We were taken on a tour of a Massai boma
Ol Pul is a Massai ritual where the warriors go into the hills, eat barbecue goat, and drink a special soup made from goat organs and tree bark and herbs. The elixier is meant to flush out the body and make them stronger.
The elders get the choice cuts, and the goat liver is their favorite. Here I use one of the warriors machetes to slice of pieces and hand them to the elders.
The Serengeti
From the Massai word Serengit, meaning "endless plains"
Giraffe comes from Arabic and means "fast walker". On the drive from Ngorongoro to the Serengeti, they can be seen roaming the horizon, walking from acacia tree to acacia tree.
This is the Nduto lion pride. They were featured in "Nature's Great Events - The Great Migration": a must-see.
The famous, and prevalent, acacia tree.
We drove out into the short grass and away from water to stop for lunch. That way, we could see what was coming.
Lions like to hang out under the tress near watering holes. This fact is not lost on the zebra. Aware of the predators' close proximity, once their done drinking, they rush out of the water, and sometimes it spokes the other zebra into an all out panic. Then the dust settles, and they return to the waterhole, until the next false alarm.
This time, the wildebeast get too close.
A lioness goes in for the kill and a stampede starts.
The mud slowed one of the wildebeast just long enogh for the lion to catch it.
Finishing off the kill, the lion suffocates its victim.
A leopard is stuck in the tree. A bull cap buffalo grazes below, unaware of the cat. With heavy horns and a big body, the leapord knows not to disturb the buffalo.
The beginnings of the Great Migration.
Hi there.
Elephants are the real kings out here. A mother decided that her and her calf should have the shade, after spending the morning to in the sunburnt grasses, and that the lions already there were no longer welcome.
Just trying to get out of the sun.
Storm cloulds roll across the Serengeti.